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BioVentures Institute technology is constantly developed using research and development grants. BioVentures Institute grants related to the DNA fragment amplification-expression technology and concatemeric proteins of genetically programmable function:


The National Centre for Research and Development and grant TECHMATSTRATEG-III/0042/2019 (2020-2023) to the Consortium, led by the Warsaw University of Technology was in part obtained as based on BioVentures Institute technology for construction of concatemeric proteins: „Biopolymer materials with chemically and genetically programmed heavy metal selectivity for new generation ultra-sensitive biosensors."

Comment: for application of the BioVentures Institute technology to environment and human body monitoring (work package leader: prof. Piotr Skowron)


The National Centre for Research and Development and grant (TECHMATSTRATEG2/410747/11/NCBR/2019) (2019-2022) to University of Gdansk in partnership with BioVentures Institute: New generation bioactive molecules delivery systems, based on chemically synthesised and obtained throughgenetic engineering nanobiomaterials. BioVentures Institute license granted.

Comment: for application of the BioVentures Institute technology to construction of new generation of genetically programmable bionanoparticles (project leader: prof. Piotr Skowron).


The National Centre for Research and Development and grant (STRATEGMED1/235077/9/NCBR/2014) (2014-2018) to University of Gdansk (Poland) in partnership with BioVentures Institute: Novel technologies for pharmacological stimulation of regeneration. BioVentures Institute license granted.

Comment: for application of the BioVentures Institute technology to construction of new generation biological drug for regenerative medicine (work package (task) leader: prof. Piotr Skowron).


Priority Programme 5.11.1 Interdyscyplinary SOKÓŁ – Implementation of Innovative Environmental Technologies (2017): Development of polyepitopic proteins technology for water and air cleaning and construction of biosensors components for environment pollution monitoring. BioVentures Institute license granted.

Comment: for application of the BioVentures Institute technology to environment monitoring and remediation (work package (task) leader: prof. Piotr Skowron).

The National Centre for Research and Development and VC funds to BioVenture Institute grant (POIG.01.04.00-22-140/12) (2012-2015):  A new technology for comnstruction of therapeutic and preventive vaccines of multiplied stimulation of the immune system. Funds amount: 1.1 mln Euro.  

Comment: for the original development of the BioVentures Institute DNA fragment amplification-expression technology and concatemeric proteins of genetically programmable function technology (project leader: prof. Piotr Skowron).

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