National Center for Science (NCN) grant for novel gene expression system
Recent news
Archived news
Development of prototype poly-RGD pro-regenerative drug
New publication in Microbial Cell Factories
Publication in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences: thermophilic bacteriophages.
Publication in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences: targeting capsular bacteria
Zawiadomienie o rozstrzygnięciu postępowania
New publication in Critical Reviews in Microbiology
Grant dla BioVentures Institute Sp. z o.o.
New publication in Microorganisms
Development of prototype PDGF pro-regenerative drug
New Publication in Microbial Cell Factories
Grant from The National Centre for Research and Development
Bacteriophages of Thermophilic ‘Bacillus Group’Bacteria—A Review
Positive initial animal trials of the recombinant anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine
Development of a novel type of recombinant anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine
Patent in Israel granted for DNA-FACE™
Patent in US granted for DNA-FACE™
Funds from The National Centre for Research and Development
Patent for EU