Bacteriophages associated with thermophiles are gaining increased attention due to their pivotal roles in various biogeochemical and ecological processes, as well as their applications in biotechnology and bionanotechnology. Although thermophages are not suitable for controlling bacterial infections in humans or animals, their individual components, such as enzymes and capsid proteins, can be employed in molecular biology and significantly contribute to the enhancement of human and animal health. This publication is a result of long-term scientific cooperation and partnership between BioVentures Institute, University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk Medical University and Gdańsk Technical University financed by R&D grant from The National Centre for Research and Development TECHMATSTRATEG2/410747/11/NCBR/2019 (2019-2022): „New generation bioactive molecules delivery systems, based on chemically synthesized and obtained through genetic engineering” is dedicated to the construction of several classes of novel bionanoparticles fused with concatemeric proteins, based on DNA-FACE™.
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One of current trends in medical treatment is developing targeted therapeutic interventions against capsular bacteria. The publication describes search for methods alternative to antibiotics for bacteria removal from wound area and biofilms. It is a result of long-term scientific cooperation and partnership between BioVentures Institute, University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk Medical University and Gdańsk Technical University financed by R&D grant from The National Centre for Research and Development TECHMATSTRATEG2/410747/11/NCBR/2019 (2019-2022): „New generation bioactive molecules delivery systems, based on chemically synthesized and obtained through genetic engineering” is dedicated to the construction of several classes of novel bionanoparticles fused with concatemeric proteins, based on DNA-FACE™.
Aug 29, 2023
Zamawiający BioVentures Institute Sp. z o.o informuje, że w wyniku przeprowadzonego postępowania na usługę: Opracowanie technologii konstrukcji klonów, biosyntetyzujących fuzyjny enzym odwrotną transkryptazę, opracowanie protokołów izolowania enzymu fuzyjnej odwrotnej transkryptazy oraz przeprowadzenie testów biochemicznych na potrzeby BioVentures Institute Sp. z o.o
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